Derived from the Greek word, bapto or baptizo, baptism means to wash or immerse. The ritual of Baptism symbolizes the washing away of sins and cleansing the soul by immersing it in water. Baptism is an important Sacrament and being baptized is an important part of being initiated into the family of the Catholic Church. Water baptism is an act of obedience and represents forgiveness and unity with Christ and the Holy Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
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The First Holy Communion is a Catholic ceremony, which marks a child or adult’s first reception of the Sacrament of the Eucharist. It is an extremely important event in a Catholic family’s life and is marked with celebrations, family gatherings, and festive parties as well as gift-giving and special white clothes. The white symbolizes purity and newness while gifts are mainly religious in nature.   The First Communion generally takes place when a child is around 7 or 8 years of age.
Confirmation is the completion of the process of initiation into the family of Christ and is preceded by Baptism and the Holy Eucharist. It is one of the 7 Sacraments of Catholicism. Confirmation involves being responsible for one’s faith and actions and is a coming-of-age ceremony. Performed by the Bishop, the confirmation rituals involve laying on of hands as well as anointing with holy oils. In addition, the person chooses a new name which is generally the name of a saint and is added to the Christian name after being confirmed by the Bishop. 
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